Brain Vision Maternity

Brain Vision Maternity

WHO recommends Omega-3 supplementation for pregnant women to ensure the proper development of the child and improve pregnancy outcomes. Indeed, the Omega-3 EPA and DHA contained in these oils are precious allies which contribute to the good health of both the mother and the baby. However, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to be deficient in Omega-3 since it is suggested that they limit their consumption of fish in order to limit the risks of contamination of the foetus by PCBs or methylmercury.

La différence Polaris :
  • High concentration in DHA (up to 700mg/g)
  • Unmatched stability
  • Omega-3 made in France

More informations

Fish oils enable pregnant women to have a totally safe intake of Omega-3 DHA because they are free of all contaminants. A good intake of Omega-3 DHA during pregnancy will limit the risk of prematurity and support the cerebral development of the foetus. Several studies show that a good intake of Omega-3 helps future mothers to keep their spirits up during pregnancy and after giving birth. Taking Omega 3 and especially DHA is recommended throughout pregnancy.

If the pregnant woman consumes enough of it, it will improve the development of the eyes and brain of the foetus. But also the motor skills, cognitive development and eye-hand coordination of the child.